Sunday, June 14, 2015

alphabet test in reasoning - tips and tricks

alphabet test in reasoning. Alphabet Test is one of the most common topics of verbal reasoning where you come across various types of questions, which are as follows:

1) Letter-word problems.
3) Rule detection problems.
4) Arranging letters that are given in jumbled order.
5) Making the meaningful word from the letters of a given word.
6) Alphabet letters series.

alphabet test in reasoning - tips and tricks

Alphabet test in reasoning - tips and tricks

Most of you can solve alphabetical series based questions without much difficulty. But Competitive exams are not about just solving a question; it’s about solving it in optimum time as well. And for that to happen you should know some tricks which will give you an edge over your competitors.

How to solve alphabetical series based questions?

So to solve the questions based on alphabetical series with ease, remember the Golden word:
alphabet test in reasoning - tips and tricks

alphabet test in reasoning

Alphabet Test in reasoning:

With the help of this word, you can easily shuffle from A to Z in an alphabetical series. Like If I say what the position of G is in alphabetical series, you can directly say 7(by counting 2 more letters from letter E which stands at 5th position) just by having a look at the word EJOTY.
Now let us take an example based on letter-word problem of alphabetical series.

Question: The position of how many letters in the word BRAKES remain unchanged when they are arranged in alphabetical order. (SBI PO 2005)

Solution: Now use the EJOTY to find at what place the letters of the word BRAKES stand in alphabetical series.
2   18   1  11  5 19
B    R   A   K   E   S
 A   B  E    K   R   S   (After Rearrangement)
alphabet test in reasoning - tips and tricks.
So, only two letters i.e. K and S will remain at the same position after rearrangement.

In this way, you can save your precious time and there is no need to recall the whole alphabetical series order for each letter in the word.
you can also see the article on Blood Relation.
If you have any doubt, please feel free to comment below.

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