IBPS clerk exam 2014. Hi, guys here I want to share my experience of IBPS clerk exam 2014 held on 7 December 2014(Afternoon shift).The paper was moderately easy because the computer and English Sections were easy, reasoning and general awareness sections were Moderate and Numerical Ability Section was a bit tougher.
IBPS clerk exam 2014 |
IBPS clerk exam 2014.
Now let me tell you about each section individually so that you will have a clear idea of the level of the exam as well as of each section. I will describe each section in the same order in which I have attempted it in my actual exam.
So here it goes..
Computer Section: I began my exam with Computer Section. As I am a Computer Science student, this section was a bit easy for me. So I have attempted all the 40 questions and completed this section in 8 minutes.
1) Full form of HTML?
2) Word Pentium is related with?
3) Full form of ISDN?
4) What is therBase of hexadecimal number System?
5) Full form of BPS?
6) One question on Linux OS?
7) Full form of WAN?
8) What type of device the Scanner is?
9) One question on binary Numbers?
10) Choose a function key out of 5 options?
11) Color of line appears in word when someone makes spelling mistake?
12) Latest android OS launched by Google?
13) Workbook is a collection of?
14) What is ROM?
15) The process of finding error in a program is called as?
16) Choose an OS out of 5 options?
17) What is Compiler?
18) Full form of VDA?
19) Use of Control+2 in excel?
20) How many kilobytes a Megabyte consists of?
2) Word Pentium is related with?
3) Full form of ISDN?
4) What is therBase of hexadecimal number System?
5) Full form of BPS?
6) One question on Linux OS?
7) Full form of WAN?
8) What type of device the Scanner is?
9) One question on binary Numbers?
10) Choose a function key out of 5 options?
11) Color of line appears in word when someone makes spelling mistake?
12) Latest android OS launched by Google?
13) Workbook is a collection of?
14) What is ROM?
15) The process of finding error in a program is called as?
16) Choose an OS out of 5 options?
17) What is Compiler?
18) Full form of VDA?
19) Use of Control+2 in excel?
20) How many kilobytes a Megabyte consists of?
General Awareness Section: After computers I took GA section. It was moderate and combination of too easy to a bit difficult questions. I have attempted 30 questions in 12 minutes in this section. Some questions were like:
questions were ibps clerk exam 2014.
- The venue of next Asian games (2018)?
- Full form of CNG?
- Nobel Prize winner 2014 in economics?
- GST is associated with?
- Housing for all to be implemented till year?
- Operation Name for cyclone Hudhud?
- Objective of PMJDY?
- IRNCC-1A belong to which country?
- Head Quarters of ADB?
- Capital of Fiji?
- Currency of New Zealand?
- Sardar Singh is associated with which game?
- Name the Novelist who graduated from IIT-D and IIM-A?
- Venue of 13th Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas?
- Chairman of 14th finance Commission?
- Who is Rural development Minister?
- Head Quarters of WHO?
- World’s Standard day is observed on?
- Typhoon Vongfong is associated with which country?
- Head of National Disaster Management?
English Section: This section was easy compared to IBPS-PO. I have attempted 35 questions and completed this section in 22 minutes.
- Reading Comprehension: 10 questions
- Rearrangement : 5 questions
- Fill in the Blanks: 10 questions
- Error detection : 5 questions
- Cloze Test: 10 questions
Reasoning Section: This section was moderate, except one Line arrangement puzzle. I have attempted 35 questions in 35 minutes.
- Syllogism: 5 questions
- Inequalities: 5 questions
- Data Sufficiency: 5 questions
- Blood Relation: 2 questions
- Square-based sitting arrangement: 5 questions
- Line arrangement puzzle: 5 questions
- Number Series:5 questions
- Coding-Decoding: 3 questions
Numerical ability: This section was toughest of all. Somehow I managed to do 27 questions in 45 minutes. So practice more and more for this section.
- Number Series: 5 questions
- Data Interpretation: 5 questions
- Simplification: 10 questions
- Word Problems: 20 questions
Word Problem questions are based on age calculation, average, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Partnership, Time and distance, Boat and Stream and so on.
That’s all guys. I hope this review will help you in your preparation and if you feel any difficulty about any of the sections or want more detail about the exam, then feel free to ask your queries via below comment box.
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