BOB Manipal previous year papers.Here, I am sharing the review of Bank of Baroda PO Exam which was held on 14-08-2014.The exam has 4 sections viz. General Awareness (with special reference to banking), English, Reasoning and Maths, each of which contains 50 questions of 1 mark, so in all there were 200 questions.
- bob manipal previous year papers
Let us discuss each of the section individually:
BOB Manipal previous year papers
1) General Awareness Section: The GA section was easiest of all. Anyone who have been preparing for banking exams could attempt 30+ questions with ease. Some of the questions that I could remember:
RTGS is maintained by?
Full form of NEFT?
One question on priority sector?
Who maintains the foreign reserve in India?
Recently RBI issued banking licenses to which org.?
Call money time period?
Systematic investment plan is related to?
Coins are minted in India by?
Full form of ISIS?
Visa on arrival facility is suspended for which country?
One question on country -capital matching?
Ebola disease is spreading in which country?
Which Card is launched by NPCI?
GIFT stands for?
Who provides insurance cover for bank deposits?
The fuel in kudankulam reactor will be given lifetime support by which country?
NPA stands for?
Who is the Writer of the book “ two states” ?
Small & medium scale industries are governed by?
Why Ukraine is in news recently?
Japan provided loan for the project of which state?
New development bank H.Q.of BRICS?
R & C in BRICS stands for?
Govt schemes started in 2000?
First general election of India held in which year?
Telangana state does not share the border with which state?
Full form of FIFA ?
Salman Rushdie got which award recently?
Chemical name of P.O.P.?
JNNURM objective?
Secretary-General of the United Nations Security Council?
Marks & Spencer is famous for which products?
UN's Food & Agriculture organization have their H Q in?
Anti-trafficking & drugs day is observed on?
Who is known as "little master"?
Vishu festival is celebrated in the month of April in which
Who Felipe VI?
2) English Section: This section was moderately easy. Anyone having a decent command over English could attempt 35+ questions without much trouble.
Weightage of questions: BOB Manipal previous year papers
1) Cloze test :10 questions
2) Error Detection:10 questions
3) Rearrangement :5 questions
4) Fill in the blanks: 5 questions
5) Passage:10-15 questions
2) Error Detection:10 questions
3) Rearrangement :5 questions
4) Fill in the blanks: 5 questions
5) Passage:10-15 questions
3) Reasoning Section: This section was moderately difficult. Sitting arrangement questions and one out of 2 puzzle questions were a bit confusing and time-consuming too. As there were 50 questions so you could not afford to devote too much time on any of these questions and the rest of the section was manageable.
Weightage of questions: BOB Manipal previous year papers
1) Sitting Arrangement :7-8 questions
2) Puzzle:10-12 questions
3) Syllogism: 6 questions
4) Inequalities: 6 questions
5) Statement Conclusion :5 questions
6) Data Sufficiency: 5 questions
7) Blood Relation: 2 questions
4) Maths Section: This Section was toughest of all in a sense that it was a little time-consuming. Although there were some easy questions too like questions on equation solving, some D.I., Stream and boats, Time and work, but others were much time-consuming especially for those who are not having a decent command over maths.
Weightage of questions: BOB Manipal previous year papers
1) Data Interpretation: 15 questions
2) Series: 5 questions
3) Equation Solving: 5 questions
4) Approximation: 5 questions
5) Word Problems: 10-15 questions
I hope this review will give you an insight of BOB Manipal PO pattern so that you can prepare for this exam accordingly. You can also see other Manipal Exam Reviews See Article. If you have any doubts then do comment below.
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